Calorie Burn Calculator

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What is a Calorie?

A calorie is a unit of energy. In terms of nutrition, calories refer to the energy consumed through eating and drinking and the usage of energy through physical activity. The minimal number of calories required by a person daily is theoretically known as a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). In layman terms, this is solely the number of calories the biological structures in your body need to function when your body is lying idle.

Calories are typed into two:

At a pressure of one atmosphere, the estimated volume of energy required to elevate the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius is rightfully known as a small calorie or a gram calorie. This is symbolized as cal.

Correspondingly, a large calorie or a kilogram calorie, which forms the second type, is merely 1000 small calories. It is predominantly expounded in terms of kilograms instead of grams. This is symbolized as Cal or kcal.

Our Calorie Burn Calculator can aid in determining how many calories are burned in a day and how many are needed more to be burned in order to lose weight.

Daily Activity


What is exercise intensity?

The intensity at which any activity is performed will also affect how many calories one can burn. However, for only activities such as cycling and running where the intensity pace can be easily measured, this factor is taken into account.
How many calories you require to lose 1 kg of weight?

Keeping your weight stable, you require an energy deficiency of 7500 kcals to lose 1 kg of weight. This deficiency can be achieved from reduced food intake, increase in activity, or both together.

1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1 Cal = 4.184 kilojoules (kJ)

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